Triangulation in Research
Triangulation is a powerful
technique that facilitates validation of data through cross verification from
two or more sources. In particular, it refers to the application and
combination of several research methods
in the study of the same phenomenon. Triangulation involves using multiple data
sources in an investigation to produce understanding(Gokul Saud, 07:25:02 UTC). To make the research result bias free, valid
and generalized triangulation plays an important role in this area by
increasing the rate of certainty and bringing neutrality. It is process of
using more than one method, theory, researcher and data collection method &
technique to make the research findings more valid, reliable and generalizable.
Triangulated research
History of
Triangulation in Research
The concept triangulation originated from ancient Greek
mathematics, is applied a wide range of spheres, geometry and surveying. The
term ‘triangulation’ originates in the field of navigation where a location is
determined by using the angles from two known points(Heale
& Forbes, 2013).
triangulation in research is the use of more than one approach to researching a
question. The objective is to increase confidence in the findings through the
confirmation of a proposition using two or more independent measures.
2 the
combination of findings from two or more rigorous approaches provides a more
comprehensive picture of the results than either approach could do alone.
Definitions of Triangulation
According to Crosswell (2013), triangulation is “collecting
data over different times or from different sources. The process involves corroborating evidence
from different sources to shed light on a theme or perspective”(Agnieszka
Szóstek, 20:41:31 UTC).
According to o’ Donoghue
and punch (2003), triangulation is a “method of cross-checking data from
multiple sources to search for regularities in the search data(Heale
& Forbes, 2013)”.
Purpose of Triangulation
main purpose of triangulation in educational and social science research is to
increase the credibility and validity of the results.
triangulation. This
involves gathering data through differing sampling strategies such as
collecting data: At different times, in different contexts, from different people.
This type may
also include gathering data from both the people involved - and the triangulation;
time, space, person.
Investigator triangulation. In studies that rely heavily on
researcher interpretations to generate data, one way to control reliability and
validity is to use different researchers: If different
researchers using the same research technique arrive at the same results This
help to confirm data reliability; using researchers from different ethnic, age,
gender and class groups can be used to check For things like observer and
interviewer bias.
Theoretical triangulation.
Theory triangulation incorporates the use of more than one lens or theory in
the analysis of the same data set. It is described as “approaching data with
multiple perspectives and hypothesis in mind.”Sometime called methodological pluralism. Researchers investigate the
utility and power of these emerging theories by cycling between data generation
and data analysis until they reach a conclusion.
Methodological triangulation.
In the most widely-used type of triangulation the researcher off-sets the weaknesses of one method with the strengths of another as a means of
improving the reliability and validity of Research. Methodological
triangulation can be subdivided into two types: with (in method, between method
-two or more researchers using same research technique: one researcher using
two or more research techniques: two or more researchers using two or more
research techniques)(‘What
is triangulation of data in qualitative research?’, n.d.)
Figure3-Types of method triangulation
Comparitative table of types of triagulation
Types of
triangulation and their functions
Type of triangulation
The use of
variety of data sources in a study
The use of
several different researchers or evaluators.
Use of
multiple methods to solve single problem
The use of
multiple perspectives to interpret a single set of data
of triangulation
benefits of triangulation involve “increasing confidence in research data,
phenomenon, revealing unique findings, challenging or integrating theories, and
providing a clear understanding of the problem. These benefits largely results
from the diversity and quantity of data that can be used for analysis(‘Triangulation
| Better Evaluation’, n.d.).
Figure4- Advantages of triangulation
Figure4- Advantages of triangulation
of triangulation
of the primary disadvantages of triangulation is that it can be time consuming;
collecting more data requires greater planning and organization- resources that
are not always available to lead researchers. Other disadvantages include the
possible disharmony based on investigator biases, conflicts because of
theoretical frameworks, and lack of understanding about why triangulation
strategies were used.
the samples are of the opinion that triangulation gives their work more worth.
They believe that authentic results are obtained when the qualitative results
are completed with triangulation(‘Triangulation
| Better Evaluation’, n.d.). The purpose of triangulation is not
necessarily to cross-validate data but rather to capture different dimensions
of the same phenomenon. Triangulation is
not only useful, but also beneficial to the research and the research process.
Agnieszka Szóstek. (20:41:31 UTC). Qualitiative
data analysis: Data triangulation. Design. Retrieved from
Gokul Saud. (07:25:02
UTC). Triangulation and trilateration pdf... Retrieved from
Heale, R., &
Forbes, D. (2013). Understanding triangulation in research. Evidence-Based
Nursing, 16. https://doi.org/10.1136/eb-2013-101494
Triangulation | Better
Evaluation. (n.d.). Retrieved 20 August 2019, from
What is triangulation
of data in qualitative research? Is it a method of validating the information
collected through various methods? (n.d.). Retrieved 20 August 2019, from
ResearchGate website:
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